Foreign Licence Holder Courses
As you can imagine, we don't have specific courses for conversions of specific licences from different countries to the UK because of the range of courses that would be required.
The PART-FCL syllabus that the UK uses is based on the EASA syllabus which may well differ from the syllabus for a licence for a different country (state).
You will also find that the questions used in the UK exams delve into every corner of the syllabus.
Since the courses are very competitively priced, we would strongly suggest you subscribe to the courses for the exams you need to take. That will ensure that you are very well prepared for the types of questions and depth of questions that the UK CAA will ask in those exams. Dare we say you may find your current depth of knowledge may not be sufficient even for items that may be common between the UK and your own country!
Some of the courses are common between Aeroplane and Helicopter pilots, whilst others are only applicable to either Aeroplanes or Helicopters. Each of the courses below shows the "Licence Types" for which they are applicable.
Some courses are specifically written to cover the initial licence official theoretical knowledge required to pass the official examinations, whilst others cover best practice or further training. To make life easy, we've grouped the courses below by type. You can jump to each section by clicking the links below:
By studying on-line with us, you are guaranteed to always have the most up-to-date information available!
For most of our courses, you can purchase either a FULL COURSE, or just access to the course TEST & EXAM QUESTION BANK. The purchase will give you access to the course for one month. For more information on the differences between these two options, see our Feature Pricing page.
You will need to Register first, then Login , and then subscribe using the "Buy Now" links below, or visit our Buy a Course page which will guide you in selecting courses most suitable for you.
To obtain more information for a course (including a brief low-resolution preview), click on any of the course images below.
You might also like to look at the other PRODUCTS we offer!
Starter Kits Courses Bronze Private Pilot(A) Starter Kit Type: Starter Kits Information: Designed for the new student pilot and comprise of selected on-line courses and products that last for the time period in which you need to complete all of the theroetical knowledge exams (either 18 or 24 months). Ideal to enable you to come back to the material time and time again within the period. Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Price Add to Basket Course £179.99
Gold Private Pilot(A) Starter Kit Type: Starter Kits Information: Designed for the new student pilot and comprise of selected on-line courses and products that last for the time period in which you need to complete all of the theroetical knowledge exams (either 18 or 24 months). Ideal to enable you to come back to the material time and time again within the period. Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Price Add to Basket Course £449.99
Platinum Private Pilot(A) Starter Kit Type: Starter Kits Information: Designed for the new student pilot and comprise of selected on-line courses and products that last for the time period in which you need to complete all of the theroetical knowledge exams (either 18 or 24 months). Ideal to enable you to come back to the material time and time again within the period. Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Price Add to Basket Course £649.99
Practical Private Pilot(A) Flight Training Video Lessons Starter Kit Type: Starter Kits Information: Designed for the new student pilot and comprise of selected on-line courses and products that last for the time period in which you need to complete all of the theroetical knowledge exams (either 18 or 24 months). Ideal to enable you to come back to the material time and time again within the period. Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Price Add to Basket Course £299.99
Silver Private Pilot(A) Starter Kit Type: Starter Kits Information: Designed for the new student pilot and comprise of selected on-line courses and products that last for the time period in which you need to complete all of the theroetical knowledge exams (either 18 or 24 months). Ideal to enable you to come back to the material time and time again within the period. Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Price Add to Basket Course £249.99
Back to course type index Individual Initial Licence Theory Courses Courses Air Law & ATC Procedures Type: Individual Initial Licence Theory Courses Information: Applicable to people studying for the theoretical knowledge exams for an initial flying related licence; purchase of this individual course enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots Licences: PPL(A), PPL(H), LAPL(A), LAPL(H), NPPL(A), NPPL(H), BPL, PPL(As), PPL(G)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Full Course £14.49 £13.04
Test/Exam Access Only £11.49 £11.49
Aircraft General Knowledge (Aeroplanes) Type: Individual Initial Licence Theory Courses Information: Applicable to people studying for the theoretical knowledge exams for an initial flying related licence; purchase of this individual course enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Full Course £14.49 £13.04
Test/Exam Access Only £11.49 £11.49
Communications Type: Individual Initial Licence Theory Courses Information: Applicable to people studying for the theoretical knowledge exams for an initial flying related licence; purchase of this individual course enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots Licences: PPL(A), PPL(H), LAPL(A), LAPL(H), NPPL(A), NPPL(H), NPPL(M), BPL, PPL(As), FRTOL, NPPL(PP), PPL(G)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Full Course £14.49 £13.04
Test/Exam Access Only £11.49 £11.49
Flight Performance & Planning (Aeroplanes, Gyroplanes) Type: Individual Initial Licence Theory Courses Information: Applicable to people studying for the theoretical knowledge exams for an initial flying related licence; purchase of this individual course enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A), PPL(G)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Full Course £14.49 £13.04
Test/Exam Access Only £11.49 £11.49
Human Performance & Limitations Type: Individual Initial Licence Theory Courses Information: Applicable to people studying for the theoretical knowledge exams for an initial flying related licence; purchase of this individual course enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots Licences: PPL(A), PPL(H), LAPL(A), LAPL(H), NPPL(A), NPPL(H), NPPL(M), BPL, PPL(As), NPPL(PP), PPL(G)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Full Course £14.49 £13.04
Test/Exam Access Only £11.49 £11.49
Meteorology Type: Individual Initial Licence Theory Courses Information: Applicable to people studying for the theoretical knowledge exams for an initial flying related licence; purchase of this individual course enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots Licences: PPL(A), PPL(H), LAPL(A), LAPL(H), NPPL(A), NPPL(H), NPPL(M), BPL, PPL(As), NPPL(PP), PPL(G)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Full Course £14.49 £13.04
Test/Exam Access Only £11.49 £11.49
Navigation Type: Individual Initial Licence Theory Courses Information: Applicable to people studying for the theoretical knowledge exams for an initial flying related licence; purchase of this individual course enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots Licences: PPL(A), PPL(H), LAPL(A), LAPL(H), NPPL(A), NPPL(H), NPPL(M), BPL, PPL(As), NPPL(PP), PPL(G)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Full Course £14.49 £13.04
Test/Exam Access Only £11.49 £11.49
Operational Procedures (Aeroplanes, Gyroplanes) Type: Individual Initial Licence Theory Courses Information: Applicable to people studying for the theoretical knowledge exams for an initial flying related licence; purchase of this individual course enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A), PPL(G)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Full Course £14.49 £13.04
Test/Exam Access Only £11.49 £11.49
Principles of Flight (Aeroplanes) Type: Individual Initial Licence Theory Courses Information: Applicable to people studying for the theoretical knowledge exams for an initial flying related licence; purchase of this individual course enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Full Course £14.49 £13.04
Test/Exam Access Only £11.49 £11.49
Back to course type index Pilot Radio Telephony Courses Courses Radio Telephony Practical Examination Preparation Type: Pilot Radio Telephony Courses Information: Comprises of a personal one-to-one course with one of our highly experienced instructors. Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), PPL(H), LAPL(A), LAPL(H), NPPL(A), NPPL(H), NPPL(M), BPL, PPL(As), FRTOL, NPPL(PP), PPL(G), CPL(G)
Purchase Type Price Add to Basket Course £399.99
Back to course type index Flight Training Video Lessons Courses Private Pilot (A) Practical Flight Training Videos Introduction Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson *FREE* *FREE*
Exercise 2 - Preparation for and action after flight - Part 1 - (The Walk Around) Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 2 - Preparation for and action after flight - Part 2 - (Engine Start) Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 4 - Effects of Controls - Part 1 Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 4 - Effects of Controls - Part 2 Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 5a & 5b - Taxiing Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 6 - Straight & Level - Part 1 Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 6 - Straight & Level - Part 2 Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 7 - Climbing Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 8 - Descending Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 9 - Turning Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 10a - Slow Flight Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 10b - Stalling - Part 1 Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 10b - Stalling - Part 2 Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 11 - Spin Avoidance Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 12 & 13 - Take off and climb to downwind position. Circuit, approach and landing Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 12 & 13 - Alternative Procedures Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 12 & 13 - Circuit Emergencies Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 15 - Advanced Turning Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 16 - Forced Landing Without Power Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 17 - Precautionary Landing Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 18 - Navigation Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Exercise 19 - Basic Instrument Flight Type: Flight Training Video Lessons Information: Practical PPL instructional flight video lessons show all of the exercises required for the Private Pilots Licence Syllabus in a superb friendly style; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £14.49 £13.04
Back to course type index Vital Information Videos Courses Private Pilot(A) Skills Test Preparation Type: Vital Information Videos Information: Information and secret tips and tricks that are vital for pilots; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Video Lesson £25.99 £23.39
Back to course type index Advanced Courses Courses Formation Flying Type: Advanced Courses Information: Advanced training outside of the scope of official ratings or differences; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), LAPL(A), NPPL(A), NPPL(M), CPL(A)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Full Course £25.99 £23.39
Test/Exam Access Only £11.49 £11.49
Back to course type index Best Practice Courses Courses Best Navigation Practices Type: Best Practice Courses Information: Best practice and courses on various applications and software; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), PPL(H), LAPL(A), LAPL(H), NPPL(A), NPPL(H), NPPL(M), BPL, PPL(As), CPL(A), CPL(H), NPPL(PP), PPL(G), CPL(G)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Full Course £14.49 £13.04
Test/Exam Access Only £11.49 £11.49
Infringement Avoidance Type: Best Practice Courses Information: Best practice and courses on various applications and software; purchase enables on-line access for one month unless part of a starter kit . Audience: Student Pilots, Licensed Pilots Licences: PPL(A), PPL(H), LAPL(A), LAPL(H), NPPL(A), NPPL(H), NPPL(M), BPL, PPL(As), CPL(A), CPL(H), NPPL(PP), PPL(G), CPL(G)
Purchase Type Initial Price Renewal Price Add to Basket Full Course *FREE* *FREE*
Test/Exam Access Only *FREE* *FREE*
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An overview of all course packages we offer is available from our
Courses page.
If there is anything unclear in any of our options, please contact us .