RT Radio Telephony Examiner Services

Here at Easy PPL Ground School, we have in-house CAA authorised FRTOL / RT Examiners who are able to carry out the radio practical exam that is required to gain initial issue of a pilot's license.
Where can I do the practical exam?
Under current CAA rules, the exam must be held at a UK registered Designated or Approved Training Organisation (DTO/ATO). We are able to provide a suitable location in the south of England at flying clubs we are affiliated with, or if you prefer we can come to you!
Can anyone just come along and sit the exam? Are there any pre-requisites?
You must have completed and passed the written communications paper before sitting the practical exam. We will need to see evidence of this before the exam starts.
You will also need to provide a completed and signed copy of
CAA form SRG1171:
Can I sit the Communications written paper with you before the practical exam starts?
Yes, you can. Our radio examiners are authorised by the CAA to examine for the written paper as well as the practical exam. Please note that you can only sit the practical exam once a successful pass has been achieved in the written exam. If you already have achieved a pass in the written exam elsewhere, that's also fine. Just remember to bring evidence of this pass when you come to the practical exam.
Can I do the exam remotely via Zoom?
Unfortunately, not! The UK CAA have decided that the radio practical exam MUST be done at an approved training organisation. Online and remote examinations are strictly not allowed.
What do I need to bring with me to the exam?
You will need to bring:
- A current edition CAA VFR 1:500,000 aeronautical chart, region as agreed with the FRTOL Examiner in advance.
- Chart pens and rulers.
- Note paper and pen.
- Personal photo identification.
- Completed and signed SRG1171.
- Evidence of pass in the Communications examination (if already completed).
When will I know if I've passed?
We will tell you straight away at the end of the exam if you have been successful. You will also be fully debriefed on the exam, including topics and areas that went well, and those that need improvement.
Can I do some brush-up training right before the exam starts?
Yes, you can! Our examiner can take you through the brush-up training in person. Upon successful completion of the training you can sit the official practical exam straight away. Details of our brush-up package can be found by
clicking here.
How much does the practical exam cost?
The cost for the official RT practical test is £250.00, plus mileage if we come to you and have to travel more than 100 miles.
Do you offer discounts for flying schools?
Yes, we do! If you need to have an FRTOL / RT examiner come to your school then please do get in touch with us!
How do I find out further information?
Contact us by
clicking here.